School of Engineering

Be the solution.

Engineers delve into problems to develop the best solutions. 它们使澳门线上博彩官网能够交流、旅行和有效地利用能源供应. A degree in engineering from Walla Walla University’s Edward F. 交叉工程学院将为您在充满挑战和回报的职业道路上创造解决方案做好准备. 

在WWU,你可以获得工程学士学位 bioengineering, civil, computer, electrical, or mechanical engineering. 经营超过75年,提供比任何其他复临机构更集中的研究, 你可以放心,世界海洋大学为你提供了专注于你最感兴趣的领域的机会, and to build a strong, 为你从事吸引你的工作做准备的实用基础. WWU也是北美唯一一个提供基督复临安息日会的机构 master’s degree in engineering.  


College Experience


Clubs: 你将被鼓励加入澳门线上博彩官网的五个俱乐部之一:无国界工程师(EWB), Society for Biological Engineering Club (SBE), American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 这些俱乐部隶属于国家组织,让学生有机会与他们学科内的从业者接触.  

Internships: 通过在当地公司的实习,您将获得必要的实际应用技能,如, a manufacturer of food sorting equipment; Nelson Irrigation, who design sprinkler equipment for farmers; or the local branch of the U.S. 陆军工程兵团,维护太平洋西北地区的水坝基础设施. 学生们最近在普吉特海湾海军造船厂实习, the City of Wichita Kansas, and Sandia National Lab. 

Real preparation:小班教学和13个不同的实验室空间为优秀的教育创造了完美的基础. 你会受到教授们的挑战和指导,他们关心你的成功. 工程师通常以渴望实验和修补而闻名, 您的好奇心将在澳门线上博彩官网一流的实验室里得到发展. 


Career Path

What can your career path as an engineering major look like?

The engineering field is very broad, 但任何领域的大多数工程职位都需要学士学位. Some research, teaching, or highly specialized roles require a master’s degree, 研究生学位也可能为更高的薪水或领导职位打开大门. 

WWU的工程毕业生已经在亚马逊(Amazon)等许多令人印象深刻的公司找到了工作, BioLab Sciences, Boeing, Google, Hyper Sciences, Langan Engineering, Lockheed Martin Skunk Works, Microsoft, NASA, Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Scientific Bioprocessing, Inc., Wood Rogers, and others. 他们的一些成就包括对太空针塔的重大贡献和获得美国宇航局早期职业成就奖章. Learn more about our distinguished alumni. 



Student Spotlights



看着Tawni带你参观澳门线上博彩官网的生物工程实验室,让学生积极参与生物材料的复杂设计和研究活动, bioprocessing, and tissue engineering.

Civil Engineering

詹娜是沃拉沃拉大学土木工程专业的大四学生. 接下来是她生命中的一天,她在奥丁环境公司做工程实习生. 

Computer Engineering

Meet Mikhail, 一名计算机工程专业的大四学生,担任计算机科学俱乐部的主席. 跟着澳门线上博彩官网一起来看看作为一名计算机工程师学习是什么样的.

Electrical Engineering

Meet Christian, a senior electrical engineering major! Electrical engineers design, develop, 测试电气和电子设备,从大型发电机到手持式全球定位系统接收器.

Mechanical Engineering

Meet Libby, a senior mechanical engineering major. For her senior project, she works with Reiff Manufacturing, a local company, to optimize their designs and help minimize manufacturing costs. 跟随澳门线上博彩官网一起来看看在WWU学习机械工程专业是什么感觉吧.

News & Updates


WWU relaunches annual academic excellence symposium

Successful senior expeditions put learning into reality



Students test engineering and design skills at club event

Jobs and Internships

Fusion Reactors and Research Hours

迈尔斯·金(Miles Kim)是机械工程专业的大四学生,去年夏天他在普林斯顿等离子体物理实验室远程实习. Because of the internship, he has decided that he wants to work with plasma physics, specifically nuclear fusion. Learn more about Miles' intership experience.


A Life of Service

In recognition of his commitment to service, Darius Felder, senior electrical engineering major, 曾透过校园协约获得校长学生公民领袖奖及总督学生公民领袖奖, 一个专注于支持和表彰公民领袖模范学生的组织. 这是沃拉沃拉大学参加校园契约的第一年. Learn more about Darius and Campus Compact.

Labs and Projects

Vial Robots

At the end of fall quarter, 16名学生提交了他们的制造系统工程课程的期末项目,这标志着长达一个季度的结束, hands-on learning project.

Quick Facts





WWU engineering applicants are accepted into medical school.




The most diverse in the northwest, 来自少数族裔的工科学生数量是全国平均水平的两倍





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